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Governing Document

In summary form, the primary charitable objects of the Swedenborg Society are as follows:

—To provide for the continuation of the public knowledge of the works of Emanuel Swedenborg and the appreciation of Swedenborg’s ideas and influence on later generations.

—To print, publish, purchase, sell and distribute as grants the literary remains of Emanuel Swedenborg, biographies of Swedenborg and literature in agreement with his writings

—To organize meetings, lectures, conferences and other events as a means of directing attention to, and promoting interest in, the works of Swedenborg.

—To encourage study of the works of Swedenborg.

The Society undertakes a number of activities to further these objectives:

—We grant books to public and university libraries

—We organize events, lectures, seminars and exhibitions at Swedenborg House

—We develop links with academic institutions to assist the research and study of Swedenborg’s writings and their impact on later philosophical thought

—We operate a bookshop to make the writings of Swedenborg and later books based on his ideas, available to the public

—We care for a library, archive and permanent collection of artefacts

—We foster a community to all who share an interest or a curiosity in the ideas and works of Swedenborg

A full list of the Society’s aims and objectives can be found in the Society’s Governing Document which can be downloaded here