Be a member

Swedenborg Society Membership
As a membership Society and charity, our members play an important role in the ongoing activities of the Society. Applications are approved by the trustees, and members have special voting rights at the Society’s Annual General Meeting. We currently have a broad and diverse international membership and we invite you to apply and become a part of this worldwide network. To become a member you must read and agree to our Mission Statement:
The Swedenborg Society provides for the continuation of the public knowledge of the works of Emanuel Swedenborg, the appreciation of Swedenborg’s ideas and the influence of his works on later generations. We hold that Swedenborg’s work and legacy will always remain of importance and we support work that is evidence of its continued relevance. As an institution in the service of society, and open to the public, we give home to a permanent collection of artefacts, a library, a bookroom, an exhibition space and meeting rooms. The Society offers a community to all who share these interests and, within its means, assistance for those who seriously wish to further those interests in research or interpretation. The Society is a fully inclusive organization and is committed to maintaining an ethos in which every person feels welcomed, valued and respected regardless of their religious beliefs, ethnicity, political affiliations, age, sexual orientation or gender.
Members have the following benefits:
Membership benefits
- A 20% discount on books in the Swedenborg Society Bookshop
- Priority booking on events
- A regular e-newsletter
- Free copies of the Swedenborg Review
- A free gift
- Free use and access to the Society’s Library and Archive
- Free entry to the museum
- Membership Card
Valuable support
Subscription fees from members also provides valuable support to our ongoing activities, which include:
- Funding the Society’s scholarship programme;
- Funding the Society’s long term translating projects;
- Maintaining free public access to lectures and meetings;
- Maintaining our unique library and research facilities;
- Funding international publishing projects;
- Offering books as grants to educational and public institutions.
Terms & Rates
Please find details of the Swedenborg Society membership terms below. With your help, we hope to continue the energetic work of this historic institution.
Subscription Rates
- £15.00 Single Annual Membership for students and those aged over 65
- £20.00 Single Annual Membership for those aged under 65
- £25.00 Joint Annual Membership for students and those aged over 65
- £30.00 Joint Annual Membership for those aged under 65
- £150.00 Life Membership for those aged 65 and over
- £200.00 Life Membership for those ages under 65
If you would like to join the Society please complete and send the form below.
Membership Form