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1688  January 29, born Emanuel Swedberg.

1696  Emanuel’s mother, Sara Behm, dies June 17.

1697  Death of Charles XI.

1709  Graduates from Uppsala University. Publishes Selected Sentences

1710  First trip to London. George Berkeley publishes A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge.

1714  Finishes designs of various inventions, including a water clock and submarine.

1715  Publishes Ludus Heliconius, Festivus applausus and Camena Borea.

1716-8  Publishes the first issues of the scientific journal Daedalus Hyperboreus.

1718  Death of Charles XII.

1719  Family ennoblement and change of name to Swedenborg. Publishes The Motion and Position of the Earth and Planet and leaves unpublished a small work entitled On Tremulation.

1720  G W Leibniz publishes Monadology.

1721  Publishes Specimens of a work on the Principles of Natural Philosophy.

1722  Publishes Miscellaneous Observations, Pts 1, 2, 3 and 4.

1723  He is appointed extraordinary assessor on the Swedish Board of Mines.

1727  J S Bach composes St Mathews Passion. Death of Isaac Newton.

1734  Publishes his philosophical and scientific work The Principia and The Infinite The Final Cause of Creation/The Mechanism of the Operation of the Soul and the Body.

1735  Emanuel’s father, Bishop Jesper Swedberg, dies.

1738-40  David Hume publishes A Treatise on Human Nature. Swedenborg begins a study of the brain resulting in two large unpublished manuscripts entitled The Cerebrum and The Brain (1740-44).

1740-41  Publishes The Economy of the Animal Kingdom and drafts A Philosopher’s Notebook and Correspondences and Representations which he leaves unpublished.

1742  G F Handel composes The Messiah. Swedenborg writes three works, entitled Rational Psychology, Ontology and A Hieroglyphic Key, which he leaves unpublished.

1743  Buys a house and a plot of land in Hornsgatan, Stockholm.

1743-4  Writes his Journal of Dreams and The Generative Organs. First addressed by a spirit.

1744-5  Publishes The Animal Kingdom and The Worship and Love of God, parts 1 & 2.

1747  Resigns from the Board of Mines and begins an indepth study of the Hebrew Bible. He drafts a multi-volume study of the Old Testament entitled The Word Explained and a Biblical Index. He begins his Spiritual Diary which he continues for the next 20 years.

1749-56  Publishes his eight-volume biblical exegesis Arcana Caelestia.

1755  The Lisbon earthquake.

1757  Writes of a ‘last judgment’ in the spirit world. Birth of William Blake.

1758  Whilst in London, Swedenborg publishes Heaven and Hell, The Worlds in Space, The Last Judgment, The New Jerusalem and The White Horse.

1757-9  Swedenborg writes a six volume commentary on the book of Revelevation which he calls The Apocalypse Explained. He prepares it for the press but decides, for reasons still unknown, not to publish.

1759  Voltaire publishes Candide. Swedenborg makes a small study entitled The Athanasian Creed.

1762  Jean-Jacques Rousseau publishes Emile, or On Education.

1763  In Amsterdam he publishes The Doctrine of the Lord, The Doctrine of the Sacred Scripture, The Doctrine of Life, The Doctrine of Faith, Continuation on the Last Judgment and Divine Love and Wisdom.

1764  Publishes Divine Providence.

1766  Publishes The Apocalyspe Revealed. Immanuel Kant publishes his book on Swedenborg entitled Dreams of a Spirit Seer.

1768  Publishes Conjugial Love.

1769  Publishes The Interaction of the Soul and Body and Brief Exposition of the Doctrines of the New Church.

1770  Swedenborg makes an appeal to King Adolf Frederic regarding the controversy in Sweden surrounding Conjugial Love.

1771  In London he publishes The True Christian Religion. In the same year he suffers a stroke but partially recovers.

1772  Writes to John Wesley. On Sunday, March 29, Swedenborg dies.