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VOLUNTEERS: As part of the Society’s educational programme, two year 9 volunteers of the Duke of Edinburgh Award were invited to create a photographic essay of the Exhibition still on display at Swedenborg House entitled The Story of Swedenborg in 27 Objects. The 17 photographs on this page are a selection of images from that project. Photographs are by: Miku McNeilly & Savannah Steadman.




Featured header image: Display lettering for the exhibition.

  1. Detail of marble bust of Hannah Bayley, of the New Church Orphanage.

  2. Gallery view: bust of Swedenborg by Preston Powers.

  3. Detail of marble bust of Swedenborg by Preston Powers.

  4. Detail of handwritten note by S T Coleridge.

  5. Detail of handwritten note by S T Coleridge.

  6. Spines of Japanese editions of Swedenborg’s works in the Swedenborg Collection.

  7. Detail of eighteenth-century wig.

  8. BBC LP of lecture on Swedenborg recorded in 1938.

  9. Letters of Josephine Butler.

  10. Detail of an etching by William Blake, from the Book of Job series.

  11. Drawing by J J G Wilkinson.

  12. Manuscript notebook by D T Suzuki.

  13. Marble bust of Hannah Bayley, of the New Church Orphanage.

  14. Detail of marble bust of Swedenborg by Preston Powers.

  15. Editions of Swedenborg’s Arcana Caelestia.

  16. Display lettering for the exhibition.