VOLUNTEERS: As part of the Society’s educational programme, two year 9 volunteers of the Duke of Edinburgh Award were invited to create a photographic essay of the Exhibition still on display at Swedenborg House entitled The Story of Swedenborg in 27 Objects. The 17 photographs on this page are a selection of images from that project. Photographs are by: Miku McNeilly & Savannah Steadman.
Featured header image: Display lettering for the exhibition.
Detail of marble bust of Hannah Bayley, of the New Church Orphanage.
Gallery view: bust of Swedenborg by Preston Powers.
Detail of marble bust of Swedenborg by Preston Powers.
Detail of handwritten note by S T Coleridge.
Detail of handwritten note by S T Coleridge.
Spines of Japanese editions of Swedenborg’s works in the Swedenborg Collection.
Detail of eighteenth-century wig.
BBC LP of lecture on Swedenborg recorded in 1938.
Letters of Josephine Butler.
Detail of an etching by William Blake, from the Book of Job series.
Drawing by J J G Wilkinson.
Manuscript notebook by D T Suzuki.
Marble bust of Hannah Bayley, of the New Church Orphanage.
Detail of marble bust of Swedenborg by Preston Powers.
Editions of Swedenborg’s Arcana Caelestia.
Display lettering for the exhibition.