Author: Kristin King

Publisher: The Swedenborg Society

Date of Publication: 2011

Place of Publication: London, UK

Pages: 168

Dimensions: 477 kb

Language: English

ISBN: 978-0-85448-190-3




Bringing a fresh perspective to the roles gardens have played in delighting and sustaining the human condition through the ages, Kristin King’s lyrical study of gardens in the life and writings of Swedenborg is an examination of the nature of experience, the limitations of language, and the meanings behind our desires and efforts to maintain, manipulate and ornament our surrounding outdoors environments.

This book-length essay explores the various meanings gardens had for Swedenborg and what meanings they might hold in turn for readers of Swedenborg.


Author bio

KRISTIN KING has taught English and writing at several institutions of higher learning, more recently Bryn Athyn College of the New Church, Pennsylvania, where she is Head of English and Communications. She has published articles on Robert Frost, Milton, Shakespeare, Henry James, Marilyn Robinson and Emanuel Swedenborg.



Gardens of Heaven and Earth by Kristin King (2011) is available as an ebook. Purchase for Kindle or as an epub from the Swedenborg Foundation website.


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