Author: Emanuel Swedenborg | commentary by PL Johnson

Editor: Stephen McNeilly

Publisher: The Swedenborg Society

Date of Publication: 2004

Place of Publication: London, UK

Pages: 103

Series: Journal of the Swedenborg Society

Dimensions: 665 kb

Language: English

Cover/Book Design: Stephen McNeilly

ISBN: 978-085448-195-8




Following the success of On The True Philosopher, In Search of the Absolute explores Swedenborg’s profound impact on modern literature. Beginning with an essay on Coleridge, Tulk and Swedenborg, the following articles discuss Swedenborg’s lasting legacy on the work of R W Emerson, Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Walt Whitman, August Strindberg and Jorge Luis Borges. One aim of the essays, writes Stephen McNeilly in the Introduction, is to ‘shed greater light on the infuence of Swedenborg on writers of the nineteenth century to the present day’.

Read a review of In Search of the Absolute in the The Coleridge Bulletin (Journal of the Friends of Coleridge, New Series 33 (NS) Summer 2009)

table of contents

Notes on Contributors
Chronological list of Works by Swedenborg
Introduction  Stephen McNeilly

1—’Swedenborg’s Meaning is the truth’: Coleridge, Tulk, and Swedenborg  H J Jackson
2—Swedenborgian simile in Emersonian edification  Anders Hallengren
3—Swedenborgian ideas in the poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning  Richard Lines
4—A Hermenutic Key to the title Leaves of Grass  Anders Hallengren
5—Subjectivity and Truth: Strindberg and Swedenborg Lars Bergquist
6—Swedenborg and Borges: the Mystic of the North and the Mystic in puribus  Emilio R Báez-Rivera




In Search of the Absolute: essays on Swedenborg and Literature, edited by Stephen McNeilly (2004) is available as an ebook. Purchase for Kindle, or as an epub via the Swedenborg Foundation website.


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