Author: Emanuel Swedenborg

Publisher: The Swedenborg Society


IN THIS GIFT SET: Arcana Caelestia Vol. 1 & 2 | Divine Love and Wisdom


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In this gift set…

ARCANA CAELESTIA VOL. 1 & 2 (Deluxe leather binding, gilt-edged pages)
Arcana Caelestia is Swedenborg’s most comprehensive biblical exegesis, containing a clause by clause account of the spiritual sense of the whole of Genesis and Exodus. Numerous passages are cited from all parts of Scripture in confirmation, and their spiritual meaning is described and discussed.

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DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM (Deluxe leather binding, gilt-edged pages)
Divine Love and Wisdom is one of the more philosophical of Swedenborg’s theological works and has attracted famous readers such as William Blake and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Swedenborg looks at the Creator and Creation, the role of man and his relationship to both the Divine and the world around him—his fellow men and the animal, vegetable and mineral worlds. This edition includes a brief Preface from the translators and an Index.

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