Author: Emanuel Swedenborg

Translator: Alfred Acton

Publisher: Swedenborg Scientific Association

Date of Publication: 1984

Place of Publication: Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania, USA

Pages: 282

Dimensions: 145 x 225 mm

Language: English

ISBN: 0-978143046348-1


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Collected essays from Swedenborg’s early works. This book brings together several of Swedenborg’s posthumously published manuscript drafts: Faith in ChristThe Way to a Knowledge of the SoulFaith and Good WorksPsychological TransactionsA Hieroglyphic Key to Spiritual and Natural Arcana; and Correspondences and Representations. In these ‘pre-illumination’ works we can see some parallels with ideas developed in Swedenborg’s later theological works, notably his doctrine of correspondences. As well as the Preface by the Translator from the 1920 edition, this volume also contains a Foreword to the 1984 edition, and revised indices.

Additional Information

Translations of De fide in Christum (1734); De via ad cognitionem animae (c. 1738); De fide et bonis operibus (c. 1738); Transactio prima de anima et ejus et corporis harmonia in genere (c. 1742); De origine et propagatione animae (c. 1742); De spiritu animali (c. 1742); De sanguine rubro (c. 1742); De actione (c. 1742); De sensatione, seu de corporis passione (c. 1742); Clavis hieroglyphica (c. 1742); and Introductio ad psychologiam rationalem, seu doctrina de correspondentia et representatione (c. 1741).

Additional information

Dimensions 22.5 × 14.5 cm


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