Teaching for the New Jerusalem concerning Life drawn from the Ten Commandments | Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma ex Praeceptis Decalogi ISBN 978-0-85448-211-5 Price £12.95
Having published his key work, Arcana Caelestia, in eight hefty Latin volumes between 1749 and 1756, Swedenborg turned his attention in the 1760s (partly, at least) to addressing how some of the major theological ideas contained within the Arcana could be positioned in terms of contemporary ideas and arguments in theology and philosophy. In 1763, as one of the results of this process, he published 4 short works addressing core areas of Christian teaching. Teaching for the New Jerusalem concerning Life drawn from the Ten Commandments outlines how to lead a good life, the different types of goodness involved in such a life, and how our choices to shun or embrace good acts impact upon our eternal destinies.
Doctrine of Life (1990 edition, tr. William Dick)
In Doctrine of Life, Swedenborg focuses on the divine origin of good and, conversely, on the shunning of this, which is evil, and how they shape our lives. This pocket edition includes an Index of Scripture Passages.

Additional Information
Translation of Doctrinae Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma ex praeceptis Decalogi (1763). This translation is also included in Four Doctrines (both hardback and paperback).
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