천국이 시작되는 곳

Author: Everett K Bray

Publisher: Swedenborg Foundation

Language: Korean


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천국이 시작되는 곳 (Where Heaven Begins), by Everett K Bray, hbk.

Everett King Bray was born in Merrimac FL on 17 May 1881 into a family of orange growers. His mother and grandmother were both converts to the New Church after receiving a copy of Heaven and Hell. In 1930, he was called to teach theology at the New Church Theological School in Cambridge MA, and moved his family there that Fall. In 1936, he became assistant pastor at the Cambridge Church, and full pastor the following year. In 1940, continuing in his other two roles, he also began serving as the General Pastor of the Massachusetts Association. In 1943, Bray was elected president of Convention and served in that position throughout the duration of WWII until 1946. During all this time, he continued teaching at the Theological School, serving as dean from 1953-6, when he stepped down as dean to ‘focus on his teaching’ until his retirement in 1961.

Everett Bray is the author of several New Church pamphlets and two books: Why Do Things Happen (1920) and Where Heaven Begins (1955), which remains a favourite to many in the Church to this day. Over the years, many of his sermons and quite a few articles by him have appeared in a variety of New Church publications as well.




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