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DATE: 3rd June 2010

TIME: 10.00am-6.00 pm

VENUE: Swedenborg Hall, Swedenborg House, 20/21 Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2TH

SPEAKER/S: Norman Ryder | John Elliott | G Roland Smith | Thomas Noack | Guus Janssens | Bruce Henderson | Peter Fraser | Göran Appelgren | Devin Zuber | Jonathan S Rose | Stephen McNeilly

PARTICIPANT/S: Swedenborg Society | Swedenborg Foundation | Swedenborg Scientific Association | Swedenborg Verlag | Swedenborg Boekhuis | Swedenborg Association of Australia | General Conference Publishing |Academy of the New Church Publication Committee | Bryn Athyn College | Dnepropetrovsk and Crimean Swedenborg Societies


Thursday 3 June 2010

10.00 Presentation (Hall): Swedenborg Society

11.00 Talk and book launch (Hall): Norman Ryder, A Descriptive Bibliography of the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg

12.00 Seminar (Wynter Room): John Elliott, ‘Latin editions’

12.00 Seminar (Gardiner Room): Roland Smith, ‘Graphic Design’

1.00 Lunch

2.00 Talk (Hall): Thomas Noack, ‘Swedenborgian Publishing in Switzerland and Germany’

2.30 Talk (Hall): Guus Janssens, ‘Swedenborg and Holland 1712-2010’

3.00 Talk and book launch (Hall): Bruce Henderson, Why Does God Let It Happen?

4.00 Seminar (Wynter Room): Göran Appelgren, ‘Translating Swedenborg (into non-English target languages)’

5.00 Presentation (Hall): Dnepropetrovsk and Crimean Swedenborg Societies (Ukraine)

5.20 Presentation (Hall): The Academy of the New Church Publication Committee and Bryn Athyn College


Friday 4 June 2010

10.00 Presentation (Hall): Swedenborg Foundation

11.00 Talk (Hall): Devin Zuber, ‘The Wilkinson Letters’

11.50 Presentation (Hall): General Conference Publishing

12.10 Talk and book launch (Hall): Peter Fraser, ‘Swedenborg and Medicine’

1.00 Lunch

2.00 Talk (Hall): Jonathan Rose, ‘New Century Editions’

2.50 Presentation (Hall): DVD presentation by Swedenborg Association of Australia

3.10 Presentation (Hall): Swedenborg Scientific Association

4.00 Presentation (Hall): Candace Frazee (author of There is an Answer)

4.30 Discussion (Hall): ‘The Future of Swedenborgian Publishing’ (led by Stephen McNeilly)

5.30 Close